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Get to the root of your entire family's gut health!


We have partnered with the first gut health testing for babies and children! There's a reactive approach to children's health that is a revolving door of appointments, questionable remedies, and flare-ups. There is rarely a root cause solution.

Take your children into the world of Functional Health and discover solutions that actually help. ↓ 


We help children with...

Eczema, Allergies & Rashes

Constipation or Gut Issues
Digestive Issues, Colic & Gassiness

Ready to Take Your Family's Health into Your Own Hands?


A Simple Guide to Kid's Superfood Snacks 

Grab the Free Guide to Simplify Feeding Your Kid's Healthy Snacks 

Download Now


Book Your Free 1:1 Consultation with Lacy and Her Team

Schedule a free consultation to see if you're a good fit for the Lain Protocol for Optimal BALANCED Kid's Health.

Book Your 1:1 Consult


Listen To Functional Medicine For Women

The Children's Health Series to Educate and Empower Moms to take Their Family's Health into Their Own Hands.

Binge the Series

Is Your Baby or Child Dealing with a Chronic Health Issue?


Exhausted from your doctor just wanting to schedule more appointments, more testing, and the go-around only to give you more meds for your kid's health problems?

I have been there. SEVEN Appointments in one week was the record in our house before I decided to put my foot down and find the root of my daughter's health issues.

Painful Cramping? Irregular Periods? Headaches?

Chronic Constipation? Diarrhea? Digestive Issues?

Exhaustion? Chronic Fatigue? Daily Energy Crashes?

Food aversions? Tummy aches after eating at every meal? Food intolerances?

What is it costing your child to continue in the same state of health they're in?

The stakes? Missing out on the chance to regain control over their health, a thriving childhood and emotional regulation. It's a crossroads moment – one path leads to ongoing suffering, the other to transformative healing. My program is the map guiding YOU to a future of OPTIMAL health and wellness for your child.

How will life look a year from now if you do nothing or choose another avenue?



What can you do when you keep hearing that your labs are "normal"?

When your medications don't seem to work, or they make you feel even worse?

You're confused and frustrated because you've tried everything and no one seems to understand or be able help?

Are you ready for a real solution?

I'm Lacy, the Functional Medicine Woman...


and I get it – navigating the maze of health issues can be exhausting. I've been there, felt the frustration, and grappled with the overwhelming search for answers.

But here's the exciting part: imagine a life where you're no longer held captive by chronic health struggles. Picture yourself thriving, with balanced hormones, boundless energy, and emotional well-being. That's the destination I guide my clients toward. I'm not the hero swooping in; I'm the seasoned guide showing you the way to a future filled with OPTIMAL health and wellness. Let's jump into this transformative journey together, where you become the hero of your own health story.

Ready to Make Your Health a Priority? Click Here >>

Let's Get Your Family Healthy!

Ready to get the help you need?

Schedule your FREE Consultation 

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Our life and health coaches do not diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease or condition. Nothing we share with our clients is intended to substitute for the advice, treatment, or diagnosis of a qualified licensed physician. Lacy Lain, FMCHC may not make any medical diagnoses or claim, nor substitute for your personal physician’s care. It is the role of Lacy Lain and her Practitioners to partner with their clients to provide ongoing support and accountability in an opt-in model of self-care and should be done under the supervision of a licensed physician.

These platforms share personal experiences and provides education. Interaction on these platforms does not constitute a doctor/patient relationship.